Balmorel GitHub Tutorial

This tutorial will show, how to work with Balmorel on GitHub. It will cover the basic steps of:

  • Forking the Balmorel and Balmorel_data repository.

  • Cloning the repository to your local PC or HPC and setting up the folder structure

  • Commiting changes and pushing them upstream to your remote repository

  • Creating your own branch

  • Making a pull request to merge into the master branch

GitHub, VS Code, or command line

We offer three different paths for this exercise:

  • GitHub (this is the one we will demonstrate)

  • VS Code (if you prefer to follow along using an editor)

  • Command line (for people comfortable with the command line)

Creating a copy of the repository by “forking” and/or “cloning”

A repository is a collection of files in one directory tracked by Git. A GitHub repository is GitHub’s copy, which adds things like access control, issue tracking, and discussions. Each GitHub repository is owned by a user or organization, who controls access.

For Balmorel we have mainly to of these repositories:

To start, we need to make our own copy of these repositories and transfer them to our own Computer or the HPC.

Illustration of the concepts of **forking** and **cloning** and the recommended workflow for Balmorel: **forking** then **cloning**.

Illustration of the concepts of forking and cloning and the recommended workflow for Balmorel: forking then cloning.

At all times you should be aware of if you are looking at your repository or the upstream repository (original repository):

  • Your repository:

  • Upstream repository:

How to create a fork

  1. Go to the repository view on GitHub:

  2. First, on GitHub, click the button that says “Fork”. It is towards the top-right of the screen.

  3. You should shortly be redirected to your copy of the repository USER/Balmorel.

  4. Repeat the same step for the repository.

Exercise: Copy (clone) the repositories and setup the correct folder structure

Work on this by yourself or in pairs.

Exercise preparation

In this case you will download the repositories as a .zip file from GitHub:

  1. Go to the Balmorel GitHub repository.

  2. Make sure the URL says, where USER is your username.

  3. Download the repository:

  1. Extract the folder to a location of your choice.

  2. Download the repository the same way (Make sure you are cloning your forked repository).

  3. Extract the files into the local copy of the Balmorel repository, into the base folder.

  4. Rename the Balmorel_data folder to data.

Exercise: Browsing and editing the repositories (10 min)

Browse the Balmorel repository either on GitHub or your local PC and explore commits and branches. Take notes and prepare questions. The hints are for the GitHub path in the browser.

  1. Browse the commit history: Are commit messages understandable? (Hint: “Commit history”, the timeline symbol, above the file list)

  2. Try to find the history of commits for a single file, e.g. base/output/ (Hint: “History” button in the file view)

  3. Which files creates the MainResults.gdx file? (Hint: the GitHub search on top of the repository view, look for execute_unload "MainResults.gdx")

  4. In the base/output/ file, find out when the parameter STORAGE_LEVEL was added and in which commit. (Hint: “Blame” view in the file view)

Creating branches and commits

The first and most basic task to do in Git is record changes using commits. In this part, we will record changes in two ways: on a new branch (which supports multiple lines of work at once), and directly on the “main” branch (which happens to be the default branch here).

The goal is to:

  • Record new changes to our own copy of Balmorel.

  • Understand adding changes in two separate branches.

  • See how to compare different versions or branches.


  • Each commit is a snapshot of the entire project at a certain point in time and has a unique identifier (hash) .

  • A branch is a line of development, and the main branch or master branch are often the default branch in Git.

  • A branch in Git is like a sticky note that is attached to a commit. When we add new commits to a branch, the sticky note moves to the new commit.

  • Tags are a way to mark a specific commit as important, for example a release version. They are also like a sticky note, but they don’t move when new commits are added.

Exercise: Creating branches and commits

Exercise: Practice creating commits and branches (20 min)

  1. First create a new branch and then modify an existing file and commit the change. Make sure that you now work on your copy of the repository. You can for example change the years in the simulation by editing the file.

  2. In a new commit, modify the file again.

  3. Switch to the main branch and create a commit there.

  4. Browse the network and locate the commits that you just created (“Insights” -> “Network”).

  5. Compare the branch that you created with the main branch. Can you find an easy way to see the differences?

Merging changes and contributing to the project

Git allows us to have different development lines where we can try things out. It also allows different people to work on the same project at the same. This means that we have to somehow combine the changes later. In this part we will practice this: merging.

Goals for this section:

  • Understand that on GitHub merging is done through a pull request (on GitLab: “merge request”). Think of it as a change proposal.

  • Create and merge a pull request within your own repository.

  • Understand (and optionally) do the same across repositories, to contribute to the upstream public repository.


Exercise: Merging branches

First, we make something called a pull request, which allows review and commenting before the actual merge.

We assume that in the previous exercise you have created a new branch with one or few new commits. We provide basic hints. You should refer to the solution as needed.

  1. Navigate to your branch from the previous exercise (hint: the same branch view we used last time).

  2. Begin the pull request process (hint: There is a “Contribute” button in the branch view).

  3. Add or modify the pull request title and description, and verify the other data. In the pull request verify the target repository and the target branch. Make sure that you are merging within your own repository. GitHub: By default, it will offer to make the change to the upstream repository, balmorelcommunity. You should change this, you shouldn’t contribute your commit(s) upstream yet. Where it says base repository, select your own repository.

  4. Create the pull request by clicking “Create pull request”. Browse the network view to see if anything has changed yet.

  5. Merge the pull request, or if you are not on GitHub you can merge the branch locally. Browse the network again. What has changed?

  6. Find out which branches are merged and thus safe to delete. Then remove them and verify that the commits are still there, only the branch labels are gone (hint: you can delete branches that have been merged into main).

  7. Optional: Try to create a new branch with a new change, then open a pull request but towards the original (upstream) repository. We will later merge few of those.